Heal with Jane
As a child of rather normal middle-america parents, I couldn’t figure out what was so wrong with me. I suffered from 20 years of Bulimia, major depression, hopelessness and scarcity mindset. I had no idea how others managed to keep a job. I couldn’t!
It wasn’t until I had a major spiritual awakening on the subway of NYC in my mid-twenties that I began to turn my life around. Basically I stepped into a whole new way of viewing my life and my circumstances.
I found a school that taught me that I was at my core good. I learned how to shift my thinking, transcend my lower mind and purify my body and soul. Eventually I discovered my True Self. And I learned how to live from that place.
Am I perfect? Absolutely not!
But I am on track to living my highest purpose and giving back to others what I have learned.
I now help others turn their lives around. I have 50+ years of skills and experience that I apply to you and your situation.
If you would like more information on how I work contact me by emailing jane@janelatimer.com and ask for a private 15-minute chat.
Alternatively, you can sign up below to receive my highly recommended Resource List of the BEST Therapies out there today for treating symptoms of PTSD and developmental trauma and receive healing tips on an irregular basis. These are the tools I use and this is the list I send to my clients when they sign on to work with me because I know that most people are not aware of what they are missing!